Sunday, 13 February 2011

Push - Maya

The brief was for a 10-15 second sequence of a figure, which we were provided with, pushing a large heavy object. I found Maya a lot easier to use this time as I was more familiar with the layout and quite enjoyed this. I feel quite pleased with some parts of the animation; where he moves the crate, although I feel there's still some parts of the movement which don't look natural and could do with some more adjustments...

Push and Pull Research

We started our new module, Action Analysis, on Monday, we have three briefs, the first two I'm working on are Push(Maya) and Pull(Stop Motion).
Before starting the animation I had to research and collect reference material. I started with observing, watching videos on youtube and analysing action. Then I filmed myself pulling a suitcase and pushing my bed across my room:

Although I look like an idiot I find acting out the actions really helped when it came to animating. I was working in Maya over the last week and I found, when you have acted it out yourself, it helps a lot with understanding the movements and key poses , rather than just observing...